Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Siberian Goose Down Comforter

White Siberian goose down is the most highly prized filling for goose comforters. But now the Down Association of Canada says that Siberian goose down is actually a trade name. The Down Association of Canada plus other bedding experts argue that the actual Siberian goose doesn’t look or quack like a duck, er, goose down comforter. The Siberian Goose is a protected species that, according to a Highlights Magazine picture, flaunts red and black plumage–hardly the pristine white color for a white goose down comforter.

Goose down used in duvets and comforters and name brand comforters is collected from geese raised all around the world. Among the finest is Hutterite goose down from Alberta, Canada. Siberia produces another excellent, very dense variety of goose down. Poor to high quality down is collected in Asia. Luxury down comforters boasting high quality goose down can be found at a discount online.

If you order a Siberian goose comforter, see if it has a zipper and unzip it to look at the down. Or do the “squeeze” test to verify that the down is high quality. Perhaps you’re better off avoiding the risk of fake products and choosing Hungarian or Canadian goose comforters. Marketing hype is everywhere–look at the way talentless William Hung achieved dubious fame after a spectacular failure and Simon Cowell excoriation on “American Idol.” But unlike William Hung, Siberian white goose down comforters are everywhere and in demand.

The Down Association of Canada published an anonymous statement from “a major supplier of ‘Siberian Down‘” in which the supplier admitted the trade name is specious. “Siberian Down” may come from a variety of countries. The Down Association of Canada’s conclusion: No one can verify actual Siberian Down, so the term is an empty marketing label any seller of white goose down comforters can use.


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